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The Happiest Cities In the U.S.

Posted by on March 7, 2022
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Where we live plays an important part of how we feel. According to WalletHub, researchers have studied the science of what makes us sad or happy and key ingredients are: strong social connections, job satisfaction, how well financially you are, a positive mental state and a healthy body.

The study examined 180 of the largest cities in the U.S. and brought out the findings of positive psychology research to determine which cities were home to the happiest people in the United States. 30 key indicators were used ranging from the depression rate to the income growth rate and to the time people spent on leisure, non-work activities.

Pictured here are the top 10 Happiest Cities in the United States, which include the San Francisco Bay Area cities of Fremont (#1), San Francisco (#3) and San Jose (#4).

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